Back Up a Windows Mapped Drive


DFW DataVault does not support backing up mapped drives on Windows.

DFW DataVault runs as a Windows service and therefore cannot access drives mounted by a user. This is an OS level restriction built into Windows.

If you would like to back up a mapped drive on Windows, this article describes an unofficial method for doing so. It is not supported by DFW DataVault so proceed at your own risk.

Before You Begin

This method for backing up a mapped drive requires an advanced level of knowledge with Windows. It is not for beginners. If you do not feel comfortable using a command-line, you should stop now.

DFW DataVault support is not able to respond to questions about Windows mapped drives.

How It Works

Create a batch file to mount your drive

The key element of the net use command is the /USER:ip\username syntax. Without the IP (or desktop name if Windows) it does not work.

The raw command is this (replace contents inside angle brackets and remove the angle brackets):

net use S: \\<device_ip_address>\<share_name> /USER:<device_ip_address>\<username> <password> C:\tmp\mount.log 2>&1 

Sample File Contents:

echo %date% %time% : "%cd%\mount.bat" >> C:\tmp\mount.log 

>&1 2>&1 
net use S: \\\plindqui /USER:\plindqui <password> >> C:\tmp\mount.log 2>&1 2>&1

Note: If you create your batch file in Notepad, make sure you select All Files from the Save as Type dropdown. Otherwise, Windows will think your batch file is a regular text file.

Create a task to run the batch file as the SYSTEM user

On Windows XP

Now that you have your bat file, creating the task on XP is easy.

  1. Go to C:\Windows\tasks > Add Scheduled Task
  2. Browse to your .bat
  3. Choose Perform task When I log on
  4. User name of SYSTEM
  5. Finish

When you log in with your Owner account you can see a network mapped drive that you do not have permission to read. It appears as disconnected. The “disconnected” drive is the mapping DFW DataVault will be using.

disconnected drive

In the DFW DataVault destination / source file browser:

cp file browser

(optional) Of course, you can map it with your Owner account, so you can interact with the files. In this case the two mappings are both valid:

two mappings

On Vista

For Vista, the batch file remains the same, but the steps to create a scheduled task are different.

  1. Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler
  2. Select Action > Create Task
    Vista task scheduler
  3. Under General:
    • Enter a name and a description
    • Change User or Group
      Vista change user
    • Enter SYSTEM as the object to select
      Vista change user 2
    • After confirmation, the task runs as the SYSTEM user:
      Vista select system
  4. Under Triggers, add a new trigger that runs at Log On of Any User.
    Vista new trigger
    Completed trigger:
    IMAGE 8
  5. Under Actions, choose Start a program and select the proper batch file.
    new action
    Completed action:
    create task
  6. Select OK to create the task. The new task appears in the Active Tasks list.
    active task
  7. Log out and log in to test the new task.